California Case Summaries Civil™: 12-3-18 to 12-14-18

California Case Summaries Civil™ Every New Published California Civil Case From December 3 to December 14, 2018 By Monty A. McIntyre, Esq. Mediator, Arbitrator & Referee at ADR Services, Inc. Civil Trial Lawyer | National ABOTA Board Member | Ca. Attorney since 1980 For ADR Services, Inc. scheduling, contact my case manager Christopher Schuster Phone:…

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California Case Summaries Civil™: 7-16-18 to 7-27-18

Would you like to know every new published case in your practice areas each quarter in less than 2 hours for less than $100 instead of spending far more money and time reading thousands of pages? Subscribe to California Case Summaries: Civil Update Quarterly™ for $99.99 a quarter to get my short, organized case summaries with the official…

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